Discipleship - Get Discipled!

In the Bible, a Christian disciple seeks to imitate the master, Jesus Christ, and His whole way of life (Mt 10:24 – 25; Lk 6:40). To be conformed to Christ as His disciples is a lifelong process that involves rooting out sin, pursuing virtue, pursuing heroic sanctity and taking on the mind and character of Christ while participating in His mission of making disciples.

At Good Shepherd we want to walk with you on your journey. We do this by forming a relationship and focusing on three crucial foundations:

  1. Divine Intimacy (helping young people center their lives on an ongoing encounter with Jesus)
  2. Mentorship (helping young people know they are not alone, speaking truth in their lives, encouraging virtuous habits and meeting young people where they are)
  3. Conviction for Faith (helping young people imitate Jesus who spent three years living out the mission with His disciples

The primary goal of being discipled is to help young people understand who they are, what they are made for, and how they live from that identity and relationship. We view these through the lenses of Identity – we are sons and daughters of the Father; Trinity – we are made to share in the Divine life and eternal exchange of love of the Trinity, and embody this in our relationships with others; and Covenant – by our life in the Church and participation in the new and eternal covenant established by Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, we become who we were made to be. These truths provide the foundation and direction for this type of relationship.

So, what does getting discipled look like?

  • Committing to meeting once per week for a semester (Meeting location can be at GS, Starbucks, Chick-fil-a, etc.)
  • Sharing life (talking about joys, struggles, finding God and keeping Him at the Center of our life)

Interested? Reach out to Kelly by calling the parish office 850-893-1837 or email colangelok@gsparishtlh.org.