Costa Rica Mission - Costa Rica

June 11th - June 18th, 2024

Why go on Mission? Some things are worth being uncomfortable for; authentic encounters, real friendship, and serving something greater than yourself. Join us on an incredible mission trip serving the wonderful community of San Rafael in Costa Rica.

What’s Included: Pre-trip orientation, post-trip debriefing, food & lodging in-country, project materials, in-country transportation

What’s Not Included: Immunizations & personal travel medicines, passport and visa expenses, other personal incidentals

Price $750 program fee + airfare (approx $500)

Please sign up by April 5, 2024. Spots are limited.

Promoting Safety & Mitigating Risk
Good Shepherd holds safety for our participants as the primary concern for any mission trip we send. We offer trips to locations once they have been initially researched and vetted with people on the ground, as well as checked and monitored for safety.

Other precautions Good Shepherd takes include consulting government agencies, such as the U.S. State Department, the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP), and the Center for Disease Control regarding traveler health.

Good Shepherd takes great pride in partnering with local religious orders, apostolates, and organizations in every location we serve. We regularly communicate with our contacts before the mission to plan the trip and assess on-the-ground conditions. We reserve the right to re-route or cancel a trip if there is a confirmed safety concern.

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